Data labeling

SFT Datasets


for Large Language Models

Build top-performing LLMs using highly-quality training data

    Trusted by the world's top
  • AI Labs
  • &
  • Entreprises


Data for Language Models

Get high-quality data for each stage of model building.

Ship computer vision applications faster


Human preferences are applied to model outputs.

Response ranking for LLMs across various domains by employing subject matter expert raters, we generate high-quality feedback that enhances model performance.

Boost efficiencies across the model lifecycle

SFT Data

Training from demonstrated desired responses.

Our data, crafted by domain experts, focuses on helpfulness and truthfulness to train large language models. This ensures LLM’s accurate and reliable responses.

Boost efficiencies across the model lifecycle

Prompt Creation

Creating natural & diverse prompts to support RLHF

Focusing on real-world scenarios, we ensure AI models are trained for optimal performance and reliability. Prompts are diverse, natural, and tailored for multiple use cases.



Quality is powered by a team of experts and a robust quality assurance mechanism.


Process large volumes of data without compromising quality

Ethical Standards

We adhere to strict data privacy regulations and ethical standards.